7 Tips For Staying Healthy Over Winter

It’s crucial to maintain healthy eating habits and obtain your recommended 30 minutes of physical exercise per day, regardless of whether you’re trying to stay warm in the south or seeking winter sun in the north.

Enjoy Winter Seasonal Vegetables and Fruit

Mandarins, oranges, grapefruit, and kiwifruit are among delectable wintertime fruits that are in season. If you haven’t already, try including fruit in your morning meal. You should also increase the amount of veggies at each main meal. Winter vegetables like broccoli, carrots, and cauliflower are excellent, especially for soups.
Even while fresh food is preferable, don’t be hesitant to stock your freezer with inexpensive and simple additions to any meal.

Tea Time

Ancient Chinese people drank tea, and in recent years, its health advantages have come under the spotlight. There are many plant compounds in black and green tea, some of which are flavonoids and have antioxidant properties. According to studies, persons who regularly consume tea have stronger blood vessels and a lower risk of developing heart disease. It can be challenging to attribute the benefit to tea consumption alone because many people who drink tea also engage in other beneficial behaviors, such as increasing their vegetable intake and increasing their physical activity. But why not commit to doing all of these good things in winter, such as eating more veggies, making time for tea, and taking daily walks.

Stews, Casseroles and Leftovers

A wonderful winter warmer To increase the amount of heart-healthy foods in your meals, add heaps of vegetables to your casseroles and stews. Remember to cut the meat’s fat before cooking when making stews and casseroles, and to add kidney beans, chickpeas, soy beans, or lentils for fiber and low-salt stock. By making extra, lunch is also covered. Make fruit stew for winter sweets and keep some for the following morning’s breakfast.

Winter is an excellent time to reconsider your meal size, particularly when it comes to items like rice, pasta, and potatoes, which, while tasty, can be simple to serve in excess. Choosing a sensible serving size will aid in weight management and provide room on your plate for more vegetables. Try serving on smaller plates and waiting 20 minutes before returning for more food.

Get Active Indoors

Become a member of a team or a fitness program. Over the winter, there are many indoor things to enjoy, like yoga, bowling, dancing, soccer, and more. Making your winter activity pleasurable and social is the key. If you’re not a terrific swimmer, try some easy aerobics movements in the shallow area of your neighborhood indoor pool.

Sit Less

Get moving about your home. Want to make sure your favorite program airs? Try jogging, skipping, or even just stretching as you observe. Try working out by cleaning, washing the dog, gardening, or dancing. Have fun working out in the warmth of your own home. To ensure that you are continuing to increase your step count, use an activity tracker. Set a goal to take the same number of steps that you would in the warmer months.

Rug Up

Watch the weather, and if it isn’t pouring, head outside and try it. You’ll warm up as soon as you start exercising. Look for opportunities to exercise while you’re out and about by walking or cycling to the nearby stores rather than taking the car. Take the stairs rather than the elevator or escalator. As a way to stay motivated, join a Heart Foundation Walking club or use our Walking app to get moving with others.

Get Outdoors During the Daytime

When it’s cold outside, it’s tempting to stay indoors all day, but you should force yourself to venture outside. A vitamin D shortage can result from not getting enough natural sunlight during the winter, which could be harmful to your health. Take a wintertime stroll through the forest or go ice skating on the lake whenever you have some free time.

Make Sure You Stay Hydrated

We are constantly encouraged to stay hydrated in the summer, but it’s equally crucial to do so in the winter. Wearing numerous layers when exercising in chilly weather may make you perspire. You must consume extra liquids to make up for this water loss. Keep an eye on your electrolytes and avoid drinking alcohol, coffee, or tea because they will only cause you to become more dehydrated.

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